
EB-PMP Roundtables

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Evidence-based Project Management Practice (EB-PMP) Roundtable


Are your decisions based on intuition/gut feelings or are your decisions informed by evidence? How can we apply scientific research in our project management practices? If you are interested in exploring the answers to these questions, you are invited to join the EB-PMP Roundtable. Evidence-based project management practice (EB-PMP) is the systematic, evidence-informed practice of project management, incorporating scientific knowledge in the content and process of making decisions in projects of all sizes.


Come, share, and listen to ways the project management field is expanding by current research and new ways to share this knowledge! 



Meeting Details:


When:3rd Thursday of Each Month

Where: via Zoom

Time:12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



Content Structure:


This roundtable is open to all project management topics that incorporates scientific knowledge with real-world projects/experiences.






Dr. Jacques AlexisDr. Jacques Alexis, PMP

Co-Chair/Host: [email protected]


Jacques is an associate teaching professor of project and portfolio management at Northeastern University – College of Professional Studies. Professor Alexis has worked on projects and programs that have delivered organizational performance improvement, waste and cost reduction, and business transformation. He is a member of the British Academy of Management (BAM), the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa), the Institute of Management Accountant (IMA), and the Project Management Institute (PMI). Professor Alexis is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®). His interests in research focus mainly on entrepreneurship and innovation-based organizational growth, sustainable project and portfolio management.





John Bleakney
John Bleakney, PMP

Co-Chair – [email protected]


John Bleakney, PMP is an associate co-op coordinator and part-time project management lecturer at Northeastern University within the College of Engineering. Before joining Northeastern, John worked within the private sector for approximately 15 years in the finance industry with a focus on pension plans before transitioning to the education industry. It was during his time in the private industry where he started working on projects ranging from compliance, IT, business continuity, and process improvement. He is a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI) as well as the Mass Bay PMI chapter. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®), Lean Six-Sigma Greenbelt, and a certified scrum master. His project interests are in experiential learning specifically with service-learning/community development projects.


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